vh, svh, lvh, and dvh

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Using the viewport unit vh in desktop browsers is usually straight-forward, 100vh matches the height of the viewport. On mobile that’s different because the viewport height changes depending on whether or not certain user interface elements are visible, 100vh doesn’t always match the height of the viewport.

The problem with 100vh on mobile is that it doesn’t respect whether user interface elements are expanded or not. It usually always matches the large viewport. CSS introduces new viewport units to address that issue.

dvh Jump to heading

dvh is a dynamic value that matches the viewport height dynamically. Use this if you want to match the height of the viewport regardless of whether or not user interface elements are expanded or not.

div {
height: 100dvh;

You can also use svh for the small viewport and lvh for the large viewport.

div {
height: 100svh;
div {
height: 100lvh;

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